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Over 1,000 concise articles capturing the most valuable insights for executives, owners, and leaders.

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals

I found this last week - and it's been one of the more inspiring TedTalks I've found Mainly because the key he shares, is something any one of us can easily do This should supercharge your week with some inspiration that very simple persistence and focus on very...

Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace

This is the 'Interview that Broke the Internet' - 7 million views A 15 minute video clip of Simon Sinek from an episode of Inside Quest Really hits on the challenges millennials face in the workplace

Why our screens make us less happy – TedTalk

This is a very challenging talk - especially if you find yourself looking at your phone alot What are our screens and devices doing to us - Psychologist Adam Alter has spent the last five years studying how much time screens steal from us and how they're getting away...

Machine learning on Googles Cloud Platform

This is from the keynote at the O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in New York 2017 It outlines all of the, practically free, tools that Google is sharing with developers Incredible resources are available today to concept and scale a new generation of...